Hello! I have a timer that uses os.clock(), and I want to know how I can format it into hours, seconds, and milliseconds. If you do know please reply. Thank you!
Then try this
print(os.date("%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S"))
You can learn more about that in this lua document which also apply to roblox Programming in Lua : 22.1 (I just read the title and you weren’t talking about getting the real date my bad here is one formatting os.clock into 00:00:00)
--This will only set it to exactly 00:00:00
--This will set the current time in your timezone
Hours is the integer part of seconds / 3600
Minutes is the integer part of the remaining seconds / 60
Seconds is the remainder of that
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You may want to look into using DateTime to format strings
local timestamp = DateTime.fromUnixTimestamp(os.clock())
local formattedTimestamp = timestamp:FormatUniversalTime("HH:mm:ss", "en-us"))
More information on the date time string formatting can be found here: DateTime | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub
To include hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds:
local timestamp = DateTime.fromUnixTimestamp(os.clock())
local formattedTimestamp = timestamp:FormatUniversalTime("HH:mm:ss:SS", "en-us"))