How do you get a good low poly building look?

Hello! I need help on my low-poly city building. I want it to be nice and smooth like the one below

but instead when I’m building it it turns out like this
Screen Shot 2022-02-11 at 4.15.44 PM
What am I missing? Or am I not missing anything?

I was thinking that maybe it has something to do with materials and colors?

Here are a bunch of pictures for more in depth advice

Please keep in mind I’m only talking about the building itself, not the furniture or anything around it. Thanks in advance!

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You’re not really missing anything, it is actually easier than it looks.

It mainly depends on the coloring, and how it is made. On your build I say to take the blue lines and put it inward like this

and make your foundation look like this (You can also use it as the roof thing too)

After messing around a bit, I took the build from the game and your build and got this. I’m not the greatest builder in the world but it looks a lot better if you add details.


Dude that building is amazing :no_mouth:

Anyway, How do you get the blue things into the walls? I also am wondering if I should make the windows not transparent so they look more like the one in the first picture, is this a good idea?

Progress so far:
Screen Shot 2022-02-11 at 6.09.31 PM

Overall it looks good as a low-poly build. I would maybe change the colours or textures. Maybe even a little more/less detail. I would experiment until you have one that you like.

Another suggestion. Try playing with lighting and shadows. That may add a better look.

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That more better!

You could turn down the windows transparency to 0.5

Also you just take 2 Parts to make a wall, one for the bottom, and one for the top, and then you take the blue thing in put it in between the parts.

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Alright, so I’ve taken your advice and added some gray borders when it changes floors, and changed window transparency to 0.5,

Here is some screenshots of it now!

Let me know what you think of it!!

Also @NotApokalypse, I’ve played a little with the lighting and shadows and it didn’t seem to change much, any other suggestions?

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Hmmm. Try filling up the dealership completely. Like try adding more cars, some benches, tables and chairs, plants in corners as props, and make rooms. Try this hope it will look good. But yeah. It has lot of improvement I can say that for sure. Also try using textures for floors and add railings to the staircase and also add reflectance to the glass. These are my suggestions. Sorry for giving so many! But good job done!

From my perspective I feel like it lacks of detail. Even plants could make it look better, And try messing around with non-realistic shapes.

It’ll surely start to look low-poly as soon as you add more detail, such as trees, plants, a foundation. Low-poly builds are still supposed to have some kind of detail. You can also try playing with the lighting so it doesn’t look raw. Maybe a little bit of blur and increase bloom for your neon parts?

Sorry if I’m bumping the thread or anything but how would I fill in this space? I made some models to put in the corner but it still feels empty… I’m still trying to fill in the space while achieving a good low poly look. Any suggestions @NotApokalypse, @ItKeon, or @risingmarcin?

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I don’t think you’re supposed to post it here. Try playing with colors and using higher quality models.

A better mix of color and shading for your building goes a long way.

I don’t really know which part of the build you are trying to recreate, so I’ll stick to windows. I would recommend using a yellow part (with CastShadow turned off) to get a warm light shining through a window sort of feel.