I have been trying to use discord webhooks on roblox scripts for a bit and I am stumped.
I have tried so many methods but they are all outdated
I am trying to put a roblox character’s pfp or headshot or whatever into a discord webhook thumbnail and nothing has worked.
I’ve tried GetUserThumbnailAsync
but it doesnt return a website
I’ve also tried stuff like https://www.roblox.com/headshot-thumbnail/ or https://tr.rbxcdn.com/ but they all say forbidden
Can someone just give me an answer for this? Something that actually works and isnt outdated??
Discord webhooks are rejecting Roblox receusts instead you need to convert it with webhook.newstargeted.com
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oh thanks for that i was really trying to find out how to do the thing
how exactly do i convert it though?
this is what i have so far
i changed the webhook url but it isnt working, even with this thing commented.
i get HTTP 500 error
["embeds"] = {{
["author"] = {
["name"] = display.." (@"..user..")",
["color"] = colors[severity],
["title"] = "Chat Message",
["description"] = "\""..msg.."\"",
["fields"] = {
{name = 'User ID:', value = "**"..id.."**"},
{name = 'Severity:', value = "**"..names[severity].."**"},
--["thumbnail"] = {
-- ["url"] = "https://www.roblox.com/headshot-thumbnail/image?userId=" .. id .. "&width=150&height=150&format=png"
on top of that, whenever i try to use the example that is listed straight from the website:
content = "Hello, world!"
when i try that it doesnt work
ok i joined the discord server and i found it out
you dont need to change the discord webhook url, you need to change the image url
this is one i found that is currently working for me:
["thumbnail"] = {
["url"] = "https://api.newstargeted.com/roblox/users/v1/avatar-headshot?userid=" .. id .. "&size=150x150&format=Png&isCircular=false"