Lets say I have a number 375
, that number is (obviously) 3 digits long. How would I get a specific digit in that number?
Like, if I wanted to get digit 2
, digit 2
would be 7
, but what kind of algorithm could I use to get that digit ?
Lets say I have a number 375
, that number is (obviously) 3 digits long. How would I get a specific digit in that number?
Like, if I wanted to get digit 2
, digit 2
would be 7
, but what kind of algorithm could I use to get that digit ?
Fairly easy since strings and numbers are so easily changed in Lua.
string.sub(tostring(375), 2, 2)
375 probably doesn’t need to be inside of a tostring, but I am unsure and it is safer anyways.
2 and 2 need to be the same number.
A mathematical way of doing this is to divide the remainder of the number with 10^n by 10^n-1
function getDigit(num, digit)
local n = 10 ^ digit
local n1 = 10 ^ (digit - 1)
return math.floor((num % n) / n1)
print(getDigit(375, 3)) -- 3
print(getDigit(375, 2)) -- 7
print(getDigit(375, 1)) -- 5
What if I wanted to get how many digits a number has? I assume it would be something like this: string.len(tostring(number))
Spot on. When using strings, you can also use the # shortcut.
#tostring(375) --> 3
Yup. You can also do:
However, this only works on integers that are equal to or greater than 1.