Its ok man one days there will
For now what you can do just don’t give up. Everything begins from the simple thing and then after that gonna be big. By the way good luck on your journey
Its ok man one days there will
For now what you can do just don’t give up. Everything begins from the simple thing and then after that gonna be big. By the way good luck on your journey
Yeah its good, there are built in things like icons and UI kits
hmm ima check it out sounds good to use
My quote is working now
I’m confused- That dosen’t make sense to me.
I’ll try not to give up. It is going to be hard for me because im used to giving up.
Very true!
Thank you, you too!
Some bits are not free but apart from that the free stuff are good!
You get lots of fonts like Roboto from google
Adobe Illustrator would fit best for UI design. In contrast to Photoshop, it is used a lot more by interface designers due to the great tools it offers for jobs like those. Illustrator just works a lot better with UI than photoshop does.
Another great tool is using the Affinity products. They are non subscription, one time pay keep for life softwares. The equivalent to Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop is Affinity Designer and Photo respectively.
Funny you say that, as I have already mentioned Affinity software in my first post:
I only read your last post which is probably why
I don’t have much advice. If you want to get better in designing UI’s, you have to practice. One way to practice UI/UX is; you can copy someone else’s UI for educational and personal purposes (which means you cannot flex or sell it etc.)
Try to get inspired by other people’s work and from there you could generate your own idea for UI/UX designing.
There are lots of software you can use out there like most the people above me mentioned, you can use Illustrator, Photoshop, Canva, Adobe Xd, Affinity Designer and more.
Good luck in UI/UX design.
That’s okay. Every post helps
I’ve been doing that, some UIs on google aren’t that nice to me.
Yeah, I could do that and get a few Ui designs and mash them together
I’m using lunacy which is good for starters
Good luck you too