I recently just published a game and have a couple questions. The game is particular is called Disaster Room ( Link ). I’ve created many sponsored ads and have gotten the player count up to 500 at times. I have 0 home recommendations and my playtime is around 12 minutes. Like ratio seems to be great at 86% at the time of this post.
Should I keep sponsoring it, and if I do how long should I expect for the algorithm to pick it up? I have been running ads for the last week and stopped today.
Also how could I improve my game to increase my retention? We plan on adding achievements with rewards, redoing daily rewards, adding more crates/gears, and adding gun effects; but what else does it lack?
Thank you for reading and I look forward to the responses.
After checking out your game here are my thoughts/recommendations.
Considering you spent 220 dollars on sponsors and got 500 players but couldnt keep them hooked, I would recommend you to stop advertising.
My suggestion is:
Instead of spending alot of money you could Create a YouTube channel and or TikTok profile, and work on creating a trailer,
which includes:
-What the objective is in the game.
-Show how competetive the game is.
-What you get from winning
-Show case leaderboards to give players a goal
-And add some humor
And make sure to have a good amount of sound effects, good angles, and clear instructions in the video.
The goal is to make the video almost like a very short movie and not just gameplay.
Then post the video as a “Short” on YouTube (shorts are under 1 minute long)
Keep in mind YouTube Shorts typically tend to gain attention after 5 - 7 hours and mostly start to peak after 10 hours if the Title, description and tags are used correctly.
I hope to see your trailer pop up in my feed one day!
I abolutely love the ui did you hire a ui designer or you made it ? the problem is that i can’t give feedback because there were no players, make the game so you can play alone since from what i understand it’s a disaster type of game or add bots. Also you get cooked hard from the roblox algorithm if you stop sponsoring without a stable playerbase, but you did good at stopping since there’s something wrong if roblox completely ignored your game