How do you get the older materials back?

I want to be able to use the older wooden planks from a year or two ago, how can I get it back?

Like this wooden planks on the left of the picture.


You go to material service in the explorer and uncheck “Use2022Materials”

Thank you! I searched for another topic but they didn’t say which it is under.

I have one last question, how do I use MaterialVarient?

To change the base material for the variant, you can simply go under materialservice in the explorer and press the variant. Once selected, you look for “BaseMaterial” and change it to whatever you prefer. To apply this variant to a part, first you must make the material of the part the basematerial of the variant, once that’s completed the variant will be under “MaterialVariant”.

I apologize for the late reply, something came up. If you have additional questions I can answer them as long as you don’t require a full tutorial on how to create your own variant.

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