How do you guys assign materials

Assigning materials has proven to me to be a long annoying task is there any plugin or tool to simplify it?


I don’t exactly know what you mean… do you mean in your code? Since it would look something like this:

part.Material = Enum.Material.Sand

Or do you mean building and setting materials? Since there is a spot in the model or home tab where you could select a material then create a part and the part will have the material you chose.

Why would I mean in my code lmao this is building support after all

And setting the material itself is just annoying as i have to ether go through the annoying new UI or go into the long list of properties thats what i mean.

I go to the properties tab and I select the material. Takes 10 seconds at most if you are not patient.

There is no other way to change it. This has been on Studio for more than a decade. I am suprised you still haven’t got used to it yet and you just need to be patient for 7 seconds only.

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