I`m currently working on getting new players to my game Last to Fall Wins and I wanted you to ask, how should I advertise it?
About Last to Fall Wins
In this game you and other 8 players spawn on plates “field”. Each plate you step on disappears after some time, so you HAVE to move. Additionally, there are modifiers/gamemodes added there such as low gravity, big “bros”, laser beams, cat trains and etc. When you win you receive 1 Win (2 with VIP, but I think I`ll remove it) and you can spend it on Trails/Titles.
Main part:
My main strategy is Tiktok, as it’s free and CAN get some players. And I already have an account there, which got 31 subscribers. However, each video I try uploading gets a really bad engagement rate and therefore the video itself on gets ~350 views
If you can, please check some of them and tell me whether I should fully change content style
Sadly, I cant put the videos there (they dont show), so here are the links
Popular (60 likes)
Popular (50 likes with meme sound)
Unpopular (roblox tragedy meme)
Unpopular (brainrot memes)
I wanted to ask you, how do YOU keep (or recommend keeping) viewers engaged and should I get more gameplay in video or memes?
Back story (OPTIONAL):
I started advertising my game through Tiktok, and still do it as of right now. The first 3 videos were GREAT, as each of them got over 50 likes and tons of comments (10 is a big number)
BUT, that`s when it all stopped. Next videos would always get a maximum of 1000 views and a like ratio of 1/20-40. I really dont understand why this happened and happens, as I havent really changed the style and tried uploading the videos with same ideas and even editing style. But, no. Nothing.
In the end of the august, I started an ad campaign for 2 days, it got me over 900 new players and 0 robux (at that time there were no modifiers). Some of the players said that the game was great, but no players actually came back (returned).
After that I lost hope in roblox ads and got back to Tiktok, but to this day I still get NO players from the videos and a low engagement rate.
And I dont understand why.
If you really want to, please explain my mistakes or explain why some videos would get viral and why others wouldnt.