I have a Folder full of values, yet when I parent it to the workspace on the server the client will see 0 children on the first frame (through a childadded event). If I wait a frame, the children will appear.
So I wrote a test using 10,000 values inside the folder, and printed the values on ChildAdded and each subsequent frame on the client:
For this folder of 10,000 values it took >10 steps to replicate all children.
As a developer - how do you know once all children of a container have replicated? I wrote a RemoteEvent to send the “true” number to the client, but re-implementing networking guarantees feels like something a developer shouldn’t be doing. Is there any built-in functionality for this?
Test Server Code:
function MakeFolder()
local f = Instance.new("Folder")
for i = 1, 10000 do
local value = Instance.new("IntValue")
value.Name = tostring(i)
value.Parent = f
f.Parent = workspace
Test Client Code:
print(c.Name.." #"..#c:GetChildren())
for i = 1, 10 do
print(c.Name.." #"..#c:GetChildren())