How do you like the village?

This village has many details, both inside and out.


“Woah” was the reaction I felt when I saw the first image. It’s just beautiful that image! I love that sun! And the community feeling in those houses too!

I don’t know if you are also searching for constructive feedback/critique, but since this is in feedback, I’ll add it.

As I said before, I love that first image. It’s a place I’d like to visit.
However, I do feel weird with the other images.
In the second image, what I see is the lighting seems a bit odd. I don’t see shadows anywhere. I think you maybe set the range value too high? I can see something weird too in the fourth image, with the street lights. That image feels weird, as there is absolutely no light around the village and the light in the village is arranged in perfect, noticeable circles.
For the inside of the house, I feel like there is a need for more decorations, furniture, maybe carpets, and else to the rooms.

Probably it’s still a plan to add more things, most probably this isn’t the finished work, but I hope the feedback helps you build it :smile:.

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I really like the lighting and how it’s all set up. How long did it take you to build all of this?

it gives me attack on titan vibes like the houses in each district ( search it up if you don’t know what I mean )

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