No I don’t know about Pet Simulator. But if “99 exists” means that only 99 of that pet exist then most likely each pet has something called a “UID” (universal identifier). The code only allows 99 to be created. And each pet can be tracked independently with the UID. This is important if individual pet stats can change and you need to differentiate between them.
Oh, I understand i’m sorry i used “99” i meant in like total, how do they keep track on all of them? And it updates frequently, so i was wondering how they did that… Thank you for responding
I don’t know about Pet Simulator specifically, and I don’t really understand the question but I can tell you general information.
If you wanted to keep track of who owns each copy of a pet then you can create a DataStore called “(pet name)” and store all copies of the pet and who owns it.
local dog = {
dog_1 = 12345
dog_2 = 54321
-- The numbers are User Ids
I don’t know if that helps, I don’t really understand the question.
Thank you so much, i’m sorry for not being clearer the first time but i looked up UID and topics related to it and realized how they do it, thank you again for responding.