How do you make a Loading screen?

How do you make a Loading screen that pre loads the game?

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But That Does’t pre load the game.

Try my link. Someone made a tutorial on the DevForum.

You want something like a TextLabel to display number of assets in the game has loaded?
Make an array that will comprise the game’s assets.

Then you can use for loop to iterate through all assets in the array.
Make sure to use ContentProvider to preload all of them as well.
You can also update the TextLabel in the loop that will act as a count for how many assets has loaded.

local ContentProvider = game:GetService("ContentProvider")

local AssetsToLoad = {} -- Put your stuff in here.

local CountText = script.Parent.CountText

for i = 1, #AssetsToLoad do
    CountText.Text = i.."/"..#AssetsToLoad