How do you make a pet system?

Hey people, I am currently working on a simulator, and I am in need of pets. Before I start this, I just wanna say that I am really bad at scripting and only know extremely basic stuff.

My game is going good, however, I am really wanting to add pets into it. Every youtube video and script that i’ve looked at hasn’t worked. I am wondering if anyone can help guide me through making a pet system (Egg hatching, pet multipliers, pet inventory, more pets gamepass etc). I know that I sound extremely needy with this and that people would usually sell stuff like this. But I cannot afford to be buying anything with the budget I have right now, I am saving it for advertising.

If anyone has any good youtube recommendations then that would be great, thank you.


There are few great tutorials on Youtube by Alvin Blox. You can search this on Youtube:

They’ll work if you are going to write and make everything that is showed in this two videos.
Try Egg Hatching Tutorial First.


uuuuuh this is breaking rules of the scripting support category because you are asking for us to make something that would cost like 5k robux or something but heres a guide.

  1. get your pet model and use runservice and cframe it or just weld it and cframe it on the server and then replicate to all clients
  2. make the egg hatching use math.random out of a table of pets; whatever table it is make the player have a string value of his pet or something
  3. something like this : if plr.Data.Pet.Value == "Dragon" then plr.Data.EXPperMinute = EXPperMinute * 2
  4. im not really a gui scripter so i cant help with that
  5. increase the max value if the gamepass is owned (marketplaceservice)



I said guide me or suggest youtube video’s to me. At no point did I ask anyone to make anything for me. But thanks for the guide.


Thanks, but I looked at Alvin Blox’s videos. He hasn’t finished his pet tutorial yet so there isn’t any stats or anything on them. But thanks.

sounds more like a guide to have someone script what you want :roll_eyes:


I’m not going to argue. But again, I said a guide. So if anyone could suggest videos or suggest free models they have found etc. I don’t usually use free models but I’m stumped with the whole pet system.


i told you literally how to do the pet system…

Mhm, i’m looking at that right now. But i’m not an advanced scripter so I have no clue how to do half the things. But I’m looking at the resources right now.

Uhm, I looked on his videos- Egg Hatching Tutorial is over and I didn’t propertly look on the other one but it may be finished too.

not gonna lie thats pretty simple stuff; at least the first 2 things are. tackling a simulator if you cant do cframe or weld will not be very smart and or easy. i suggest if you want a good simulator to do a little more scripting instead of taking free models or using videos; that wont get you anywhere

I’m not using many free models.

I have seen how to weld pets and stuff like that, but cframe isn’t simple if you are really new to scripting.


Yep, just looked over his videos. He’s only on part 2, and the pets don’t have stats or anything yet. But thanks for suggesting it.

Ok, I understand. Thanks for saying too.

Learn by doing this:
Somebody has told you how to do it, cframe, weld, etc.

Search it up and see resources on how to do it yourself, searching up “Cframing part to player” You can do the same thing on any website including the devforums.

Apply what you’ve learnt/gotten from those resources and make your own.

Get a jist of how its being done, find resources on certain parts, apply, repeat.

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I agree with @Jermartynojm, tutorials from AlvinBlox are a great way to start! His tutorials show you how to script it, but don’t really explain what each line of code does in the scripts.

I learned my scripting from him, but I’m not an amazing scripter because I quit scripting.

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I encourage you to stop making your simulator and go learn a ton more about scripting. Clearly you aren’t in the right position to be making a high quality game. If you learn some more about coding, I can assure you that making this pet system will be a piece of cake.

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@blazeswipe is correct. If you learn how to script very well, this might turn out to be the next Pet Simulator!

So basically i’ve made a fully functional Pet System here. Its uncopylocked, so have fun with it! :slight_smile:


That’s a very good quality Pet System, I may use it in the future. Thanks! Keep your good work up! :+1:

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