I’m trying to get this script to work but absolutely none of the circled part will work…
Anybody know how to fix this script? It would be greatly appreciated…
Also theres nothing popping up in output, so idk whats causing the problem
I found the problem.
Instead of the line that is supposed to make the gui appear, write this:
local plr = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent)
plr.StarterGui.Classic.Enabled = true
The game can’t find the player with your code.
The script dosn’t seem to work still /:
Oh yea! PlayerGui not StarterGui!
Lol I’m a scripter how did I miss that?
How could I make the script work with that?
Do I just put the GUI in player GUI and change the scripts to say “PlayerGUI” instead of ScreenGUI?
Yes, in a Player in the Players category of the game, there is Backpack, PlayerScripts, usually leaderstats, and PlayerGui. StarterGui just give the GUIs to each players PlayerGui. You cannot access PlayerGui from editing mode.
I’m confused… I’m very new to scripting and use very simple code, I dont understand
You can’t put GUIs in PlayerGui, because it doesn’t exist unless you’re in a game. StarterGui automatically copies all the GUIs in itself and places them in each player that joins.
So how do I use this “PlayerGUI” to fix my script?
Could you invite me to edit this game so I could copy and try fixing the code based on how you have the GUIs set up?
Yeah alright… Friend me on roblox “GameAddlct”
I sent friend request, loading into studio.
Accepted it. thanks for helping
No problem lol, it’s good to help people.
Did you share it? Its not showing up under my Shared With Me games. You can share by going to the Home tab, Game Settings, Permissions, then add my name at the bottom and make it set to Edit.
Try reloading your page. I just now added you
From the looks you are using .Enabled on a frame or a button when you should be using .Visible, to enable / disable a screen gui use screengui.Enabled
Turn off reset gui on load thingy in screen gui settings