How do you make a simulator?

Does anyone have a script I can use for a a shop/sell and collect blocks? Now I am not sure to how script a simulator like farming simulator by “fools studios”. I will PAY.


I think this question is far too vague to provide a good answer to. You’ll need a good level of programming knowledge to code a well made simulator game, or to hire someone to do it for you, as without further detail it seems like you’re basically asking for someone to code the whole game for you here.

If you have a good familiarity with Lua but struggle to turn it into full projects, learning how OOP (Object Oriented Programming) works is a good place to start. It helped me immensely when I learned how to use it.


Ok thanks. Good point I didn’t think about that lol. :smiley:

Don’t worry about asking for help though! Just try to break the problem down into smaller chunks first :slight_smile: