How do you make a smooth hill with Terrain?

Im trying to create a smooth hill for a map Im making, but it’s EXTREMLY hard to do in roblox terrain.
First I can only use minimal size grow and shrink boxes, then when I try to smooth it doesn’t smooth enough.
It leaves these bulges that look like blox.

This is after smoothing the whole side of the hill, doesn’t look smooth at all.

Is there a way of making hills that aren’t built by strictly 45 degree slopes?

Here is the map if anyone wants to try out for themselves.
hjk.rbxl (167.6 KB)

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Unfortunately the smooth tools is useless for proper smoothing. The best solution I have found is to use the grow tool at a decent size with the lowest strength.

Use the terrain editor in!

It has the RCT3 style terrain editor (click and drag to create a hill, mesa, mountain).

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Horray, that solves it :smiley:
Wish they added a smoothing algorithm tho, that’d be useful too.

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What does Defeature do? I see no difference between min and max


If you have complex terrain and you want to add a hill over it, your complex terrain will eventually be softened out.

Here’s a diagram which tries to explain this graphically.


If you have peaks in the terrain and you have no extra defeaturing, the peaks will continue to stick out of your newly created hill.