Hello, I am just making stuff for my future game(s) and as of now I am working on an advanced Day Night cycle script for example every 200 cycles of day and night the lighting is different does anyone know how to do that? Here is my script as of now.
local dayLength = 12
local cycleTime = dayLength*60
local minutesInADay = 24*60
local lighting = game:GetService("Lighting")
local startTime = tick() - (lighting:getMinutesAfterMidnight() / minutesInADay)*cycleTime
local endTime = startTime + cycleTime
local timeRatio = minutesInADay / cycleTime
if dayLength == 0 then
dayLength = 1
local currentTime = tick()
if currentTime > endTime then
startTime = endTime
endTime = startTime + cycleTime
lighting:setMinutesAfterMidnight((currentTime - startTime)*timeRatio)
until false