How do you make certain place in your game blurry?

  1. What do you want to achieve?

I am trying to achieve a certain place in my game is blurry like the same thing as the blur effect, but only in certain places.

  1. What is the issue?

I am a beginner scripter, and I don’t know much. I will provide a video of what I want to achieve.

  1. What solutions have you tried so far?

I have looked around the wed a little, and I couldn’t find anything I am aware you can not put full scripts here. But if you would like you can DM me on Discord here is my discord: luqkyy#0888


You can use the DepthOfFieldEffect for this. This allows for objects to be in focus within a certain radius. If you mean how do you enable blur when you enter a building/location, you can either check if they’re within a Region3, they’re within a magnitude or use the doors to track where they are.


Thank you so much this is really helpful! Have a nice day.