How do you make gui stay on the left side of your screen no matter the aspect ratio of a player's screen?

I’m trying to make it where no matter your fov, the menu stays on the left or right side of your screen. Here’s what I’m talking about:

I tried doing it myself but it didn’t really work:

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Maybe try playing around the the X values in the position. You could try playing around with the scale.

UIAspectRatioConstraint is what you want

Ok I figured it out, it was because in the UIAspectRatioConstraint I was using, I just needed to set a property and that fixed it. Thanks for your guys help anyways!

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It is really simple.

  1. Add ScreenGui to StarterGui and put whatever you want.


  1. Then add UIPageLayout to the ScreenGui, not TextLabel

  2. Set the properties as shown below;


It’ll always parent the width of the text to left side of screen.