How do you make low-velocity parts not go to sleep?

I’ve got some parts set up in a very simple way - LinearVelocitys inside of parts set to move them at a slow speed, under 1 stud per second.

The problem is, they… don’t. They move for about a second then stop, roblox is putting the parts to sleep.

I read long ago that you could un-sleep them by doing a variety of annoying things, like changing their velocity, but this is rather annoying. Is there any official way to make these parts not sleep?

Like seriously, this is driving me crazy! I’ve tried doing things like adding a small amount of angular velocity or disturbing the part, but unless i make the part go fast, it seems to fall back to sleep constantly.

I have an AlignPosition moving at 0.1 speed, and I’m even setting the assembly angular velocity to 0,0,1 to get some spin on it… but literally with all this movement, tested in studio, this part moves for a few seconds then freezes mid-air.

As of now this is delaying the update to a game with 73 million total visits, so I guess maybe I should post this as a bug report if nobody knows what’s going on.

It’s been 3 years since this reply was made, but this seems to be the same thing happening. Seriously, this has been allowed to exist for so long?