How do you make menu buttons, but in a circle?

I’ve seen games where they make emote buttons, or menu buttons, and they place them in the center of the screen. Except it’s like a ring shaped formation of buttons around the center of the screen. How do you achieve this?

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You can figure out the positions of the buttons by using using these formulas:

x = offset * cos(2 * pi * currentButtonNumber / numberOfButtons)
y = offset * sin(2 * pi * currentButtonNumber / numberOfButtons)

currentButtonNumber is the button you’re on, for example, if you have 5 buttons, you count each button one by one until you get to button number 5. numberOfButtons would be 5 because you have 5 buttons. offset is the distance from the center of the screen / frame. make sure you have all the button’s AnchorPoint set to 0.5, 0.5.

Inside the Frame instance of the UI, insert a UICorner instance. Then just simply set the value of the CornerRadius property of the UICorner instance to a value which causes the frame to appear as a circle. The value “0, 100” seems to work providing the frame is a square.

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Thanks for the help, but I really don’t understand what you’re telling me.

Going on with what @Limited_Unique was mentioning.

You can insert a UICorner by right clicking a frame and searching UI.

Desktop Screenshot 2021.09.20 - (2)

when you select the UICorner you can go into its properties and change the number to choose how rounded the square will be.

simply setting it to 0,100 will make it a circle. Decreasing the number down to lets say 0,10 will make the corners rounded.

You mean a radial menu?