How do you make moving text?

So I want to make it so every single text character moves, but I don’t know how. Here are some examples:

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Slightly change the X and Y offsets of each letter.

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How do you do it for every letter?

Create a TextLabel for every single letter.

Your best bet is probably actually to make 6 images of text that you can change every 1/32 of a second or something that will look like animated text (since that many textlabels might cause problems)

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Is there a simpler way like a module? Or another way?

Not that I know of. It’s not really that hard to make 6 images though.

I’m pretty sure @AlvinBlox has a tutorial on how to do this properly which does not involve images but I’ve never done this.

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That was a typewriter effect for text.

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Oh, my mistake. I really would follow @Ty_Scripts advice as its probably the best option.

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Hello! I’ve found a pretty interesting thread that has a cool solution, it will probably help you out!


You can use the wiggle feature in Moon Animator, if that’s the plugin you’re using.

I just tried it out, and it did not work. I copied and pasted the code provided in the post you linked in a LocalScript inside of a ScreenGui in StarterGui, it does generate the text and frame, but it doesn’t make the shaking text animation… If you know anything that could help me, do you mind posting it please? Thanks though.

I just fixed the problem with an update to the code. It should work for you now.

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