I’m working on something that allows people to make custom shops, however I’ve run into an issue where when attempting to place something, the item goes into the corner of 4 squares instead of the centre. I’m terrible with math so how would I go about making it centred instead of in the corner?
Currently, I have this which snaps the object to the grid:
function module.ClampVector(self, vector: Vector3) -- basically clamps the mouse's hit position to the plot's size
return Vector3.new(
math.clamp(vector.X, -self.PlacementPlane.Size.X / 2, self.PlacementPlane.Size.X / 2),
math.clamp(vector.Z, -self.PlacementPlane.Size.X / 2, self.PlacementPlane.Size.X / 2)
function module.SnapToGrid(self, vector: Vector3)
local gridSnap = self.GridSnap -- a number (5 in my case)
local modX, modZ = vector.X % gridSnap, vector.Z % gridSnap -- I'm thinking this is how I'd go about applying a 2.5 stud offset but idk what to do with this number
vector = self:ClampVector(vector)
return Vector3.new(
math.round(vector.X / gridSnap) * gridSnap,
math.round(vector.Y / gridSnap) * gridSnap,
math.round(vector.Z / gridSnap) * gridSnap
You can probably add X amount of studs to the returned Vector3
return Vector3.new(
math.round(vector.X / gridSnap) * gridSnap + 2, -- I added +2 to these 3
math.round(vector.Y / gridSnap) * gridSnap + 2, -- You can change it
math.round(vector.Z / gridSnap) * gridSnap + 2 -- to match what you need
While that technically works, it only advances it 2.5 studs which causes the part to advance to the next square even if the mouse isn’t inside of that square.