How do you make specific parts always rendered?

Roblox has this performance feature where parts are hidden when far away, even with StreamingEnabled turned off (if the user’s graphics quality is low).
I’m trying to make clouds out of blocks, but they keep disappearing, which is annoying.
Is there some part type or adornment that ignores this limitation?


I’m with Dalek on this one. By default, having the scene simplified is great. I have some backdrop features that I want rendered in the distance no matter what.
I’ve been planning to check if I can force parts to render by parenting them to the client’s current camera.

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If you are heck-bent on keeping clouds visible 100% of the time, it may be possible to do so using a ViewportFrame. I haven’t dealt with this exact same scenario, but I believe objects shown in this UI element will always render. The downside is that there is no way to apply lighting / shading effects.


I have this massive planet, but i cannot force render it. I need to do this for my game however. Is there any way at all?


You can add script to the part that you want rendered by giving a custom render distance limit.

local part = script.Parent
part:SetRenderDistance(1000) -- Adjust the value as needed
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That doesn’t exist, as far as I’m aware. Couldn’t find any mention of it on the Roblox Creator Documentation site and it throws an error in Roblox Studio.

For anyone coming across this thread with this question, there is now a ModelStreamingMode property for models that provides more control over how certain objects are loaded in / out when StreamingEnabled is active.

In particular, using the Persistent StreamingMode for Models will ensure that any Part that is a descendant of the model is never streamed out, meaning it’ll always be rendered.

I’m not sure if the ModelStreamingMode would resolve those cases, unfortunately, as I don’t know much about objects being streamed out without StreamingEnabled turned on.

For anyone wanting to learn more about StreamingEnabled, the Roblox Creator Documentation site has a pretty thorough guide regarding Instance Streaming.


I apologize for the confusion. You are correct, there is no built-in function called “SetRenderDistance()” in Roblox. I apologize for the incorrect information.

The rendering distance of objects in Roblox is determined by the engine and cannot be directly controlled or modified through a function call. The rendering distance is optimized for performance and cannot be changed programmatically.

If you need to control the visibility of objects at different distances, you can use techniques such as dynamically hiding or showing objects based on the player’s proximity or using LOD (Level of Detail) models to switch between different levels of detail based on distance.

Again, I apologize for the incorrect information. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.

get off the problem and stop using chatgpt smh