- What are you attempting to achieve?
I’m trying to create team spawns.
- What is the issue?
The Spawners don’t work accordingly, a blue team player spawns on the red team pad, and the other way around.
- What solutions have you tried so far?
I tried to put the spawner inside the according Team, but that didn’t work.
I am REALLY Thankful for ANY response.
(Please advise me if this is the wrong topic, and please tell me where it should be put, in case it’s in the wrong category)
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In the SpawnLocation
's properties, disable Neutral
Disable Neutral and make sure in the Spawn that the spawnpoint team colour and team colour are exactly the same , the same issue happened to me years ago and if you still cant figure it out , see a youtube tutorial there are A LOT
I did @deafaultyboii1324 and your Solution, but it still doesn’t work.
Turned out I only made the PART of the Spawnpoint to the same colour of the team.
Thanks alot to both of you, and have a nice day!
Sincerely, Switched.
no problem im glad I could help
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