How do you make the admin style loaders?

I have a final product ready, I’m trying to find a way to make it so you insert a module script (or something else idk what) and it checks if it has the license and then loads.
How do I load it? I can do everything else but load, how can I do it? And is there a way to include remote events, scripts and GUIs?

I’m not asking for you to do it or anything, just how, the methods of doing it.

Thank you in advance.

You would want to publish the admin module as a public asset and then in the loader you need to run the code:


That should load the module into whatever game has the loader script in it.
Please note that the module has to be published as a public one and cannot be private.

But what can I place inside the admin module asset?

Anything really, I made a dialog module and I placed a frame inside. In the module you can look for the frame and parent it ex. script.Frame:Clone()
When you use a asset id, the children stay the same. Just make sure that it is loaded in a server script.

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