How do you make the games api return a cursor because of there being more results?

so i was trying to use the games api to get a list of games/universes that were made by groups
and the problem i ran into was that if i put the limit as 50, there would be 50 results and no cursor
but if i put 100 as the limit there would be more than 50 results which seems odd since there wasnt any cursor last time

so my question is how could i make it return a page cursor since if theres a group with more than 100 games then it will not be able to list every game

or is the games api just not paginated at all

heres the lsplah group as an example
limit 50: returns 50 exactly, no cursor
limit 100: returns 72, no cursor (this time it makes sense),

This is interesting, I tested it myself and it is probably due to accessFilter being non-defined. To answer one of your questions, games api is paginated however it seems that gamesV2 behaves a bit differently. Could you test this on another group that returns more than 10 results with accessFilter? If it still doesn’t return a pagination key it might be due to an internal api bug, if it does then it is most likely due to accessFilter as I specified so your best option is using 100 as the limit.