How do you mirror csg objects

Is there a way to mirror this without having to convert this to mesh and mirror it in an external program since I’m trying to keep this fully csg

if there no good way to mirror it, then I’ll just mirror it in blender instead

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You’ll have to un-union everything, flip it, then re-union it. There are plugins that can help with the flipping, one I know of is Stravant’s Model Reflect

the problem with that pluggin is it only works half of the time and I already tried it but I guess I’ll just do it the manual way

Another useful plugin is Wingman8 build tools - Roblox.

If you click the “Add Size Move” tool then click “Reflect” in the dropdown list.
Click the Part you want to choose as your center and a yellow plane will appear at it’s center. Sometimes the center plane may not be the right direction so you may have to select a different Part for center, or add a Part then click on it to see which direction its plane is.
Rotate the added Part to get the plane the right way.
Click on the Parts you want to be reflected and press Space to reflect them.

You can import it to blender or another 3d software and mirror it there, just to reexport it as mirrored version.

please read my post before replying thanks