How do you move the humanoidrootpart with an animation?

Heyo I have this animation, but the humanoidrootpart doesn’t move with it so when it finishes the model just goes back to the original spot and I wanted to know how I could fix this? I tried updating the humanoidrootparts position when the animation finishes, but some wacky stuff ends up happening so that didn’t work here’s the code I tried to use

	Target.HumanoidRootPart.Position = Target.UpperTorso.Position

Here’s a video of the issue

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Have you included the HumanoidRootPart in your animation?

The animations aren’t made by me but when I’ve animated in the past I don’t think you can animate the humanoidrootpart or at least whenever I add my model to moon animator the humanoidrootpart isn’t included

The purpose of a root part is that it is the root. If you could also animate the root part then what would the animation be relative to?

You could try making the animation move the torso back to the root part over a known length of time and tween the root part to the final location over the same duration to make it look still.

Another method I’ve used is to anchor all parts of the character, relocate the root part to the lower torso, stop the animation (and possibly wait a short arbitrary length of time), and then unanchor it all again.


If you are able to edit the animations or can convince the person who did make them to do this for you, adding a named keypoint that is near but not exactly at the end of the animation could afford you a point at which you could read the model’s position.

When the animation finishes, you could move the model to that stored position. Getting it at the end doesn’t work because the model is already reset by that point.

sorry for very late response but you need to use a local script for the animations to work in terms of player servers, write this instead so the humanoid root part doesn’t glitch

Target.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame =

im still trying to learn how HOURS does the animation work without the NPCs or you glitching out at the end of the animation without reversing back to the original point so if you find a topic similar to HOURs and explanation you can tell me in dms

(also, don’t anchor humanoidRootParts during the animation, their literal rotational and jump influence are gonna be glitched which is a problem)


you can make the root of the characters be the baseplate(for example), you could move each player with motor6d connected to the torso and thus you could move and control the character.