How do you properly UV unwrap and make your own textures

Hello everyone, im a modeler and im looking to try and make my own textures, not just a plain colour, as in ugc creators make their own textures, they obviously unwrap their models but how does their model not mess up like mine?
Im looking to make my own textures in paint dot net which I know how to use very well so it wont be hard to draw the texture, I just dont know how to unwrap properly so that I can create my own textures.

A few months later, I know how to texture, none of the things people commented worked for me but I just unwrapped it through view


Make sure you have the material with the image texture applied to the object

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  • switching to material preview instead of solid mode.
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You need to mark the seams by pressing CTRL + E. Might want to look it up though.

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Take my tutorial for reference on the industry standard way

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Its a nice tutorial but I still dont understand how to do it with irreguler shapes lol

Make sure to dissolve the ngons

you can also try smart uv project after pressing U, and put a small island margin, before texturing

Edit: cube projection also works well with meshes with no n-gons