How do you remove emote profile picture from your profile?

Here you go.

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I have a Redmi miui phone lol, here’s the preview

thanks for this, i see this on my end to, if I was to switch to r6 my avatar will my facing dead center with no camera angle, that’s my problem but unfortunately I don’t think it can be fixed.

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Oh, now you will need to do this:

And after that, switch to r6 and send me a screenshot of your profile.

You will need to choose no emote and change the rotation to r6’s rotation, switch to r6, done, hope this helped!

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hey I did do that but when I go to my profile my camera angle still is the same for r6, dead centre
I changed the angle and stuff on my phone but the angle doesn’t actually change on the website

I have two solutions.
Contact Roblox or sign up for a new account.
That’s all, I recommend you to contact Roblox so you won’t lose your data.

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yeah I will have to try to contact roblox again, I really appreciate you trying to help me thank you.

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Did this help you? If yes, make my last reply as the solution.

it helped, but I havent found the solution yet with my camera problem in r6, I will leave this open for a bit and if no one else can fix it I will mark your reply as the solution.

Ok, have a nice day! I will try to help you in anything as you need help.


I’m not sure how you can possibly have this issue. I’m sure Roblox has implemented a separate endpoint for something like this, but I can’t seem to find it.


Still a problem. The solution would just be for them to clear the array, it should appear as {“avatarThumbnailCustomizations”:[]

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Unfortunately, it is not, as OP is trying to get the avatar of other users.

Here’s what I suggest: try gaming the PFP changer through either the Universal app or through your mobile app. Change your pose to a different one you have, make sure the app has refreshed properly where it shows the pose equipped, then remove the pose to where it defaults to the normal R15 stance with your idle animation, then switch to R6. Maybe this will do something, but if it doesn’t then I’d either contact support or report a bug since this is very unusual.

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