Hi! This is my first post on here, and my first time animating/posing rigs, so please bear with me. I’d like to make custom poses, specifically a pose with two poses intertwined. I know how to animate/pose the rigs themselves, but when I go to click on another rig to adjust it with the first one, it resets to its original pose which makes it difficult to line them up without opening each rig file back n forth.
Is there a way for me to see the first pose without it being selected? Or maybe a way I could select both rigs at the same time?
Ive tried selecting them both with the animation editor, but it still keeps them as separate files. I’ve tried posing one, then trying to line up the second one just by constantly reopening them both back and forth, which works but I’d like to know if there’s an easier way to do this.
Thank you for any feedback.
You are using the wrong category!
Next time you are asking help with something similar, use something like #help-and-feedback:scripting-support, since this is a scripting question.
Try playing the second animation, then stop the first, try using task.wait() to add a bit of delay between the 2 actions
P.S i might’ve misunderstood
Im sorry for using the wrong category! I didn’t think it was a scripting question since I’m not actually scripting or doing any code myself, I was just using the animation editor in Roblox, to add onto my original question: I was trying to make seat poses, so when you sit it plays the idle animation that I make, but its hard to line up both animations at the same time when one defaults while the animation editor is focused on the other.
I don’t think this has anything to do with scripting
What do you mean with “pose with two poses intertwined”
Sorry I’m doing my best to explain it but I’m not too good with words lol.
Like those vibe games where they have duo poses, like people sitting together, leaning on each other or a pose where they’re high-fiving etc