How do you rotate a CFrame on the global axis?

What I’m trying to do is rotate a CFrame on the global axis. The current issue is that it only rotates locally. How would I be able to rotate my CFrame globally?
Example of Local Rotation:image
Example of Global Rotation: image
I need it rotated only with CFrame. I don’t need to rotate it using .Orientation.


use CFrame:ToWorldSpace

How would I use that with rotations?

you can put a cframe in it

part.CFrame = part.CFrame:ToWorldSpace(CFrame.Angles(69,420,3.14))
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How would I do it with two CFrame.Angles?

what do you mean by that?

Like if you were doing CFrame.Angles(23,123,123)*CFrame.Angles(321,123,52)

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that multiplication still returns in a cframe.angles then
i think you can just straight putting it in or make it a var

What exactly do you mean by that?

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You can

part.CFrame = part.CFrame:ToWorldSpace(CFrame.Angles(69,420,3.14)*CFrame.Angles(1,33,7))


local cframethingies = CFrame.Angles(69,420,3.14)*CFrame.Angles(1,33,7)
part.CFrame = part.CFrame:ToWorldSpace(cframethingies)


Both of those didn’t rotate the part properly.

if not rotated in the expected rotation use math.rad

I used math.rad for it though.

If you meant in the workspace, you can toggle local and global by doing CTRL + L.

Otherwise you just multiply the cframe as an offset to what you’re trying to rotate by

Something like
part.CFrame = CFrame.Angles(0, math.pi, 0) * part.CFrame
instead of
part.CFrame = part.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0, math.pi, 0)

nvm i just tested this, diddd nott work out like i pictured it in my head, has some purpose though.

ok here is what i had in mind:
script.Parent.CFrame = CFrame.Angles(0, rot, 0) * (cf - cf.Position) + cf.Position
where cf is script.Parent.CFrame, this works for my case at least.


You’d want to take the global cframe and convert it to object space, so you’d still be rotating the object locally, but with a cframe that matches the global cframe you want to use (see CFrame:ToObjectSpace() on the wiki). Then you’d just apply the cframe like you would locally.

local part = script.Parent
local cframethingies = CFrame.Angles(0,0,math.rad(5))
part.CFrame = part.CFrame:ToObjectSpace(cframethingies)

So like that?

local part = script.Parent
local globalCF = CFrame.Angles(0,0,math.rad(5))
local objectSpaceCF = globalCF:ToObjectSpace(part.CFrame)
part.CFrame = part.CFrame * objectSpaceCF

is how I think you’d implement it

I tried that out, but it didn’t work with all of the axis. How do I make it so it works with each axis?

That way didn’t work. It was orientated really weirdly.

Works for me on each axis, even if the CFrame isn’t cached.

spin.rbxl (18.1 KB)
I messed with it a bit further, feel free to take a look at this. Switching m * step into different parameters works fine for me, assuming that’s the desired effect.