How Do You Shift One Game Pass From One Place To Another

Sorry if you don’t understand this but
Let’s say I made a game pass in game A and I realize that I actually wanted to make the game pass in game B.
Is there any way to shift one game pass from one game to another?
If you know the answer to this reply or if you did not quite understand it please do reply as well!

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You can’t. There have been a few requests over the years, but there’s still no way to do it. You’ll just have to reupload them. If you want the old gamepasses to also work in your new game, you can just check for both of them with UserOwnsGamePassAsync. It can see gamepasses from other experiences.


Is there a way to delete game passes? or do I just have to archive them?
edit: F for all the people who had to reupload their game passes

But how does car crushers 2 detect when the user bought the pass from the old game and allowed it to transfer over to the new game? At least I think it does. Because in the game it says “If you bought a game pass from Car Crushers 1 before this game was created, your game pass will automatically transfer to this game.”.

Pretty sure they just create a game pass there, put the same details on car crushers 2 and upload it. Then as @hihi250 said they use UserOwnsGamePassAsync and see if they own the game pass from car crushers 1 if they do then they own the game pass on car crushers 2

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There isn’t. You can just take them offsale and archive them.

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So basically it’s just script detecting if they bought the game pass. Game passes have IDs just like T-shirts and other things that are used to transfer items.


Person bought game pass off of Game 1

Person joined Game 2

Game 2 has a script that detects if the person bought game pass off of Game 1.

Game 2 gives all items that were granted from the game pass off of Game 1

T-shirts back in the day did a similar thing but you get the idea.

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