How do you think this game will do?

That is the game it is an original game idea that is inspired by another smaller game with permission from its owner, It has 60 concurrent players and 6k visits in around 2.5 days, We have made just under 10k Robux so far. I was just going to ask if feedback would be possible.

What is your rating of the game?

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10

0 voters

Will the game get 1m+ Visits?

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

How many concurrent players would we peak at.

  • 100
  • 150
  • 200
  • 300
  • 500
  • 1000
  • 1000+

0 voters

Any other feedback would be appreciated.

EDIT: No advertising/Sponsoring has been done, What would you say is the best to do and how much would be sufficient.

It seems it could go around the 100 player mark, the GFX on the game is very eyecatching, the 3D and blocky type simulator style, just keep posting fun updates for the community and you will have a good play rate that shouldn’t drop too much.

Thank you for the feedback, I agree with the GFX its very appealing and the UI in game, And yes we plan to update lots.

I feel like your game’s builds (map etc…) isn’t that good and that it could be greatly improved. I like the concept but find more things to do on it.

I didn’t really understand what to do in the game, I was just thrown in there with no clear understanding of how the game worked at all. I just saw numbers go up and looked around at plates. I saw people were standing on them so I stood on one and I got a rebirth. You need to have a tutorial since your description doesn’t tell people how to play at all.

Sorry, but unless you have over 100K to advertise and sponsor the game on multiple platforms, your not going to get very far, simulators are perpetually being made and advertised, Good fortuity even getting a decent quantity of concurrent players.

Okay thank you for feedback

30 charactersss

Would some arrows to show where to go be sufficient? More info in the description?

Yea i agree with this, we have about 5-10k to advertise and sponsor which isnt alot but we are hoping that its sufficient to atleast make that robux back.

Yeah, maybe put arrows pointing where to go and in the description tell people what to do in the game.

Thanks for the suggestion i did that, there is now arrows of where to start, And now invisible walls.