How do you turn this feature off?

So my studio seems to be in team create mode except team create isn’t enabled.



Scripts that I’m trying to edit come up with (1_upz editing) similar to team create. And if I edit a script in run time it doesn’t save as well as sometimes when I press play the script hasn’t “applied edits” yet. Why this is a feature I have no idea it’s the most annoying and useless thing ever. Please someone tell me how to turn this garbage off!!!

Maybe I missed an update or something but usually you don’t have to apply script changes and if you edit a script in run time it will automatically update the script when you press the stop button.

Are you in testing mode? You need to click the stop button to turn off testing mode

that doesn’t even begin to answer my question

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Can you show what appears when you press the Team Create button you showed in the first image?

That button only shows the gui for things relating to Team Create (Turning Team Create on, showing the people in the Team create, etc)

Not sure what you mean but I added my alt to it and it didn’t even start a a new team create

This only happens sometimes it’s really weird because I have other games that I can work on fine with 0 issues

nothing has changed

I believe it automatically enabled team create when I make a new baseplate I just published the place as a new game and it gives me an option to turn off team create…

Okay seeing by how you can add Collaborators, your Team Create is on

If you want to quickly turn it off,

Press the team create button


It shoudl show something similar to this somewhere

Press those 3 dots and shoudl show “Disable Team Create”


Click it and it should show a prompt that allows you to disable it