How do you upload an image onto an imagebutton / label?

Hi everyone, I’ve been making a UI for myself for an admin menu but whenever I try to upload a picture from the material designs site it always just blurs out, can someone help?


Still need help, anyone know how?

If you are using Imagelabel/ImageButton go to properties then find Image property, just delete placeholder link and insert decal id in it and image will appear. You can upload decals on Roblox-Create-Decals then upload your image there

Links if you still can’t figure it out:


I’m not exactly sure, as when I uploaded a Discord decal it wasn’t blurry. Have you uploaded the image as a decal? If yes, try making the quality better. If not, then what method did you use?

I used the ones off of Material Designs from google and used the 2x and 1x for the notepad and they both don’t work - just blurry.

Weird, when I zoom in it doesn’t become blurry. I guess it’s most likely a Roblox issue.

I used the ID 5556758070 and it makes it blurry yet when I used Fronts ID it’s not blurry-

This? (It’s where the ID brings me to)

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I found the issue, image “1x” has 18x18 resolution so it’s blury cause it gets scaled. Try making your own icon or finding other.

Edit: I went on site you provided and took random icon and when I took “2x” resolution is 36x36.

Is it better with 2x or 1x? Can you try it out because I might be doing something wrong.

Both of them are blury for me too, keep in mind that you can upload images up to 1024x1024 and your icons are 18x18 and 36x36.

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It’s because I don’t know how I can upload them bigger if it’s off the internet,also how big is this one? 5533908165 - (The one I was given by my friend)

I can’t check the size of it because it’s uploaded but it was a lot bigger than other icons on that website.

Oh… Can you help with the image I want though because I can’t make it any bigger-

Update: I fixed it, I downloaded a 16dp instead of the 48dp one which made it blurry.