How do you use handles inside of roblox?

I’ve been looking for the past day for similar topics and couldn’t find none so I decided to create a post myself to seek help, so I got how they work and made them function but here’s a list of the issues that I have encountered.

  • For some reason the part the handles are on get affected by gravity so if a part is anchored you can not move it.
  • Movement sometimes may be too sensitive
  • And when a player let’s go off the handles will lose focus
Handles.MouseDrag:Connect(function(Face, Distance)
	if Face == Enum.NormalId.Top then
		Target.Position +=, 0.1, 0)

Here’s an example of the target getting affected by physics.

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Handles.MouseDrag:Connect(function(Face, Distance)
	if Face == Enum.NormalId.Top then
		Target.Position +=, Distance, 0)

Try this

Hello :slight_smile: .
I would like to know if this problem persists even on a blank blaseplate, because i’ve had the same issue since the new update and can’t seem fo tind a solution to this .

What problem? I just did a check if the selected object is not called a baseplate this is just a test, the script will check for a tag within inside the object to see if it can move.

The movement is quite sensitive that way.

nvm, my bad,I thought you said that parts were not effected by gravity.