Im trying to implement search into a gui, how do you use string.match?
I looked at the documentation, but i dont understand it.
Think of a person looking through each letter in a sentence. It will look for patterns based off of what pattern you input into it(2nd arg)
i know how it works, i just dont know how to use it.
Its a specific use case. Not something used very often but cool.
can be used to find a specific string pattern you’re looking for, it’s a unique way of checking what you want to search for
There are 3 parameters for using string.match()
Parameter 1: The string you want to search for inside Parameter 2
Parameter 2: The string pattern to detect
Parameter 3: (Optional) A number value specifying where to first start the search
A cool example would be is to use this:
local RadarSearch = string.match("BeepBeepBeepBeepCookieBeepBeep", "Cookie")
print(RadarSearch) --Cookie
We’re attempting to find a Cookie inside this specific string here, if we found the Cookie then it’s returned as “Cookie”! But say there’s no cookie:
local RadarSearch = string.match("BeepCakeBeepBeepChocolateBeepOnion", "Cookie")
print(RadarSearch) --nil
This would return back nil
, since there’s no “Cookie” located inside the String we want to search for
You can basically use string.match()
for attempting to find a pattern inside the string you’re searching for, and it’ll either return back as 2 values:
if there’s no pattern inside the string -
The string pattern you searched for