How do you utilize Rolimons API for your own game?

I know there have been many posts prior to this on the Rolimons API module created by: “OptimisticSide” that explains what it does, though nobody has actually gone over how to connect it and actually utilize it within Roblox itself. So, in short, my question is how would you actually use it and utilize the data within your own game? The link to the module will be linked below. Thank you for taking the time to read this and all answers are appreciated! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Rolimons API by OptimisticSide

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I haven’t done much lua, but I can comment a little on that module and our site/APIs.

That module seems to scrape our item and game pages on-demand, which isn’t ideal. We have an “itemdetails” API which is the preferred way to get item data/values. If you fetch from it though, only do so once per minute or two at the most since there’s typically no reason to fetch from it more frequently than that. Ideally you’d fetch from it when needed and cache the data for a while in some kind of storage that all your instances could access, so they aren’t all fetching from the site.

Regarding game data, we don’t have an API for fetching game data, so perhaps scraping the pages is okay in that case. If there’s demand for it, perhaps I could add an API for that.

For any projects that do want to use our data/APIs, you’ll need to provide proper attribution. For example if you show an item with our value, you should put our logo next to it so your players know the value was sourced from us. You should also add something to your game’s description mentioning it uses data/values from Rolimon’s. Also feel free to contact me directly if you’re going to use our stuff in your project, I enjoy hearing about how teams plan to use our data and maybe I can help you to use our data more efficiently.


Late reply but what are these numbers for?

[item_name, acronym, rap, value, default_value, demand, trend, projected, hyped, rare]

default_value is the value if the item is valued, or the rap if it’s not valued.
-1 means null or not valued


Oh my god thank you so much!!! I tried to look for an answer but nothing came up. :pray:

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Do you know an API for checking someones RAP or value? Or the Rolimons API Docs.

DM me for information about that