How Does DataStore Failure Work?

If ROBLOX DataStores are down, what specifically will happen to player data? Will all the DataStores be wiped? Will they just not load until DataStores come back up? Thanks to all who can help!

Edit: Is there any way to detect if DataStores are down using a script?


They will not load until DataStores are back up

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Data remains unless its a very specific issue which may result in corrupted data, such as when the parameter type of scope was changed from string to Variant. Other data prior to issues will be retained though and normal DataStore outages just mean the inability to use its API.

This is always why you should be pcalling any DataStore calls. pcall will allow your function to enter protected mode where you can then see if your function ran successfully or not. If your function is successful you can get some return values. If it isn’t you can get a string describing the issue.