How does my apartment look so far?

I just started creating this realistic apartment, so far I only have the kitchen and the bathroom, what do ya think?

check it out


Good! This reminds me of welcome to bloxburg!

The detail and design from or each of the pictures is great! Especially the materials chosen for what item is which in every aspect.


Awesome! No feedback, it’s perfect!

Wow, I like it. Try adding some paintings or pictures to the wall. Remember you do not want to make your place to dull. Although, I do understand you are going for a mainly white and gray look.

Everything is a bit blocky, try to add some curves.


I agree! I will definitely add some decorative details, as of now I’m getting the main layout down! thank you for the feedback!

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Personally, I think it’s too “greyscale” rather than “white and minimalist” ( i assume that was the look you were going for?). Living in here would be depressing really fast.

Try adding colored accents; i.e brown or beige wood over grey.

Another thing you could do to really improve it is to add some warm yellow/orange lighting. The yellow warmth goes really well with marble, giving it a “gold flake” look ( at least in real life). A warm light also removes from the “institutional” feel that blue sunlight gives to white surfaces.

In my eyes, that’s what’s really missing; lighting. It’s really shaded and dark inside, it definitely either needs more windows, or artificial light.

Also, you could try adding more chrome/shiny metallic accents, that’s a trick often used with whiteout aesthetics and marble. Basically, the handles look a little dull and matte.

Other than that, some curvature would be nice (table edges, bathroom, etc).

Overall this is an impressive build, I like it :slight_smile:

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Looks very nice! You should try playing around with making big windows and colouring.