How does my bow tool look?

I made this bow with a cool plugin that allows you to rotate around a block, instead of dealing with the pesky built-in rotation. How does it look?

P.S: I’m fine with feedback if you feel you need to give some.


How does the bow look?
  • Good
  • Bad
  • Could use some work

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Thx for voting! Its appriciated.

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Can you guys give me ideas on how to make this look better?

You can add some outline to this, like it looks so plain, Just put a lighting color and outline it and probably add some wholes to where the string is placed to give it that realistic type.

It’s really nice! Try working more on the corners.

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The shape is nice it just needs more detail.

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I would say that there should be more detail, other than that it looks good.

What do you mean by lighting color? Sorry, I am generally new to modeling.

I don’t understand what you mean. Like what is bad with the corners? I’m just wondering because I didn’t notice anything.

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Hey, I just upgraded my bow! I also released it as a free model for you guys to use:

I added a leather handle, an arrow slot, and some holes that the bow’s string goes through. Review it now!

How’s the new bow?
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0 voters

Hope you guys enjoy it! :slightly_smiling_face:

I think it should be taller and have more design like a handle with string and detail on the rest. I also see that the left side of the wood part has 5 parts and the right has 4. Other than that it’s good. :slight_smile:

Thanks! I’ll work on it.‎‎‎‎‎ ‎ ‎ ‎