How does my Game's logo look like

Ello this is my first topic and I want to show you my game’s logo, hope everyone likes it.

The Spikey Man


If you’re looking to make it your game icon, center the text, would look better.

Other than that, it’s looking great

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I thought if I centered it the side thingy
would collide it

If the text is above the image in the explorer, then it won’t collide and hide under it.

What do you mean?
I didnt understand

“Electronics Tycoon” should be in the middle

the side thing would collide it thats y i didnt make it in the middle

and it was like u know like this:

and not like this
“Electronics Tycoon”

thats y not able to center it

The model in the middle is bad quality because there’s not enough anti-aliasing but it looks good other than that

Looks nice, all I would say is to add a outline around the laptop as it looks like its blending in with the background.
But over all looks nice.

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