How does my skyscraper resturaunt look?

I’m creating a restaurant high up in a tall building, how does it look? What can I make better about it? :grinning:


It looks really nice, and the only thing that I say you can improve are the decorations and design, maybe you can try adding chandeliers on the ceiling and stuff like that to improve it.


That’s a good suggestion, thanks!


that’s nice, but the lighting is not very good and decorations need to be a bit improved


The decorations are very nice but, maybe use some textures on the floor.

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As in a roblox texture or a custom texture?

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The building itself is decent for a beginner, however there is one mistake made here that almost every other beginner builder makes; A bad color pallet.

Try to find a nice set of colors - I recommend using one color as your ‘primary’ which will be used all throughout the build. Usually this color should be on the grey scale, but not really black or normal black - this is because black can overrule most other colors, and greys can compliment other colors quite nicely. This color can also be something else too, like a light shade of yellow or something along that line. This color is what your build should primarily be made up of.

Your ‘secondary’ color should be similar to your primary, but slightly different in shade or tone used to add detail.

Finally, your ‘complimentary’ color should be something vibrant to break up the other dull colors. This can be something like really red, or blue - whatever color you’d like. This color shouldn’t be used very much in your build.

Of course, these are suggestions - you can also get creative, but these are my suggestions.

Good luck!


I appreciate the feedback a lot!

I mainly have, mostly purples and blues.

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As in a custom texture, you can probably find some in models.

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Also are those yellow squares on the wall decoration? And if so are they even, if not use positions to center them. (Might want to use a calculator for that, because the math can get tough)

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Oh the picture probably made it look weird, those are surrounding buildings outside.

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I feel like there’s way too much space for this. I love how it looks, definitely a step up, but it’s just too spacious for my liking. If you want, maybe try adding more detail? I probably could fit a car in there right now! I’m just kidding here, but yeah just try your best to add as much inside details like new rooms, more tables, other decorations along the wall etc…

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I posted this a few hours ago and since then I have filled it with a stage and more tables, but thanks for the suggestion!


However, the color pallet you have of red/white/purple/blue/black isn’t a very appealing color set. I would recommend making the floor something more de-saturated, and making the ceiling a same color as the walls. The padding on the chair also should be neutralized, or matched up with the blue color pallet you have elsewhere.

I also recommend changing the color of the buildings outside to something much more de-saturated. Real life buildings are usually not that vibrant.

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Looks great! Although you might want to improve on detail! Keep up the great work! :grinning:

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