I’ve searched so many tutorials, and they’re all crap or not what I want.
I want to make a tank animate.
This tank has multiple parts. A top, and then a turret connected to the top.
And a base, which is basically the lower half of the tank.
I want to animate the top so it rotates towards a target. And then move the entire model at once or rotate it.
How do I do this? I’ve tried motor 6D and could only get a couple of the parts to rotate. And moving was a mess. Is there any good tutorial to achieve this?
Like I basically want to make a tank NPC controlled by scripts. Overall movement, and then animating a few parts of the model to rotate a certain way?
Can Motor6D’s be used for moving as well? Cause I just for the life of me couldn’t get this too work.
I had this:
Tank head (Gun, turret top and a hatch panel) Gun and hatch was motor6D → Turret top
And then a body which consisted of 1 main part, I motor6D the tank head to this body part.
I then created a part that was called “Main” which I then motor6D all remaining lower tank parts too. I then motor6D that “Main” part to the body part.
I managed to only get the tank head to rotate properly when I messed with the orientation of the motor6D.
But if I changed the “main” motor6, it would only rotate the "Body (1 part) and none of the other lower tank parts. No matter which order I did, nothing seemed to work.
You should actually use a weld, but Motor6D is basically the same. Adjusting the C0 property should allow this to move freely, unless the top of the tank contains a different weld to the bottom.
I M6D the TurretCannon too the Head
I then M6D the Head to the Base
I then M6D the Base to the Main Part
When I try altering the Base part motor6D it only rotates the part itself and nothing else.
Yes, I tried that, and I got it to work pretty well for the gun: tankLook.rbxl (296.3 KB)
In this example, the tank will look towards you. The way I welded it is adding a weld from the base to head then from head to gun.
Like if I add another part, and then I add a weld with the part0 being itself. And the part1 being the base. When I try to rotate that weld it just rotates the part itself and not the entire turret head?
I saved the file with what I tried. See the “rotator” piece, did exactly the same thing as the weld that you had for the base and the head.
Basically no matter what I do, I can’t get the base to be the one that rotates. I’ve tried literally every combination. Every other part I can get to move though.
Part0 is given a greater root priority over the Part1. This is probably why.
The difference is the RootPriority of the two parts. If you want the base to rotate, make the head have a higher root priority. Though, this is probably not what you want.
I changed the gun part to 0, the head to 1, and the new part to 2. And still changed nothing.
I even tested with just making 4 different parts. And I got all of them to work, but as soon as I try the same method on these meshparts. It doesn’t work past the head.
if you want to animate with the built in Roblox animation editor then you will have to rig it but it’s got to have at least a head and humanoid which when using something like a tank that’s only got a few parts is kind hard.
idk much about coding but if you just want the top to turn then couldn’t you just use a cframe or tween the top instead of actually animating it? with like a rig and an animating program
I’ve been testing this in studio mode btw. As in I manually set the orientation of the weld in studio. So I don’t think massless matters.
Tried anyway and didn’t work. Are you able to try opening that model back up and see if you can do it?
Edit: I have finally solved it, my goodness idk what I did differently this time but I got it to work. Used motor6D’s and seemed to work better than welds. Idk thank you though
Yea that’s what we’re trying to do. I need to rotate the top, but I also need to rotate the bottom to face a direction which is where I’m running into an issue.
I can perhaps just CFrame the lower half, but I’d rather figure out why this weld thing isn’t working. Cause otherwise I seem to be limited to just a couple welds here.