How does one make a gui text fade-

I’m trying to make a smooth GuI fade but it looks bad and stuff like that it’s really annoying, is there any way to make it smooth in and out fade with multiple textlabels?

Are you using a for loop? You can read about it here: Introduction to Scripting | Roblox Creator Documentation

If you are using a for loop already you just want to make it loop faster, this will make the fade look smoother.

TweenService would work for this.

local TS = game:GetService("TweenService")

local texttable = {} --put the textlabels in this table or just use getchildren if they are all in 1 instance.

for i,v in pairs(texttable) do
local tween = TS:Create(v,, {TextTransparency = 1})

Wouldn’t a for loop be better or not for this?

From my own experience with fading effects, TweenService provides more customisation, and it’s much easier to use.


No, Tweening would be easier and more reliable than looping an Instance’s property.

Using a TweenService will also make it look smoother, a loop will look pretty gnarly the more value/delay you put into it.

that’s exactly what I was going to say… :rofl:

also tweening is more customizable than just looping a property’s value

Okay i’ll try that out first and see what happens. thanks.