How does one make a STATIC Dynamic Head with no visible parts inside w/Decal Face

You can write your topic however you want, but you need to answer these questions:

  1. What do you want to achieve? Static Dynamic Head, traditional Roblox head, with a decal face.

  2. What is the issue? Can only map out a texture map for a dynamic head and not use a static image, won’t be saved/don’t know how to save. Can only make Dynamic head with visible parts hidden within head instead of being invisible.

  3. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub? Yes. There’s no good tutorials for a static dynamic head tutorial online, they seem to be published frequently so maybe I’m missing some common knowledge?

As title says, would just love to upload a standard default Roblox head with a 2D/Static face. It seems like a decal image but I have no clue how to do that without ripping someone’s rig.

Unless someone would be kind enough to provide a dynamic head with static face rig?

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could you provide an example of the head you are trying to achieve? You said that there were others that got published, do you think you could link those as an example?

Decal faces instead of 3D. Missing/invisible face parts too. Only tutorials on how to do it with hiding the parts within the head. As far as I see, you can’t upload heads without face parts/dynamic features and these are completely static.

Was hoping there was an already existing public rig to do it with.

I think these faces also hid the dynamic parts of the head. Or they just rigged the face controls to nothing, if that’s possible.

I put one of the heads inside roblox studio and there seems to be a smaller head within it.

Any public rigs?

Also anyone willing to tell me how to place the face as a decal instead of texture.

do you have Blender? and are you familiar with how it works?

there are some public rigs I am sure but you will just have to search for them (shouldn’t be that hard, just look for Roblox head 3d model)

I usually source my rigs from Roblox studio

then right-click it in the explorer and export. Unfortunately I don’t think these rigs can be re-imported, but assuming all you need is the head then just use the Blocky Rigs body (and its head but made smaller)

Just to clarify how this was done before the thread is closed, because it ranks high on google but the solution is still pretty vague.

Creating static heads appears to not be very well documented. There are threads and official statements suggesting they shouldnt even exist, however the catalog is rife with them. There is a little icon designating animatable heads as such, but if static heads arent allowed why are there ANY heads that dont have this icon??

Not that the icon necessarily means anything, as some “static” heads have been given this icon Big Troll Head - Roblox

This head doesnt even have a face controls instance when imported and is given the animatable head icon!

So my only assumption is people are using niche exploits that allow them to upload these heads. This head is from October 2023, around the time Dynamic Heads were first introduced, so I would assume whatever the troll head did has been patched.

Regarding the more current heads like the ones shown, I think I know how they did it. It does NOT involve creating a “smaller head inside a larger head”. In fact I assume that method is what got the “Scaredy” head removed. That head is now removed…

Face Controls Demo - Creator Store (

Ive uploaded one of the static heads as a development item so you can see what I mean.

Here I have used the “Jaw Drop” face control. See how it moves the head? Kind of in a non-sensible way, but it does. The head has moved. The face control exists. Therefore- validated. Try the other face controls, some of them move the head ever-so-slightly. I assume they reused the blocky rig template Like the solution suggests, then used this texture Ville Valo - Roblox

The model for this head doesnt include separate eyes or a mouth even. Its impossible for us to see where the bones are as studio converts them into the face controls instance, but they are there, weight painted to weird vertices.


tanks for the clarification, you’re so cool for that!

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