How does one simply detect left/right XBox Controller thumbstick movement?

Alright so for the camera I expect that I need to use renderstepped, correct?

So I would need to write a renderstep function and use the delta value for smooth camera movement.

But how will I use the delta? Without delta the player could have a overly sensitive or the opposite camera if their frames would suddenly decide to drop to 20 fps for example,
what would be the best way to use delta?

And for the mouse, instead of the camera being so snappy/instantly reacting, I kind of want to calculate the destination cframe and smooth out the movement for when the mouse is moved and then smoothly lerp the camera towards that position, is there a way todo that as well?
I assume I will also need renderstepped + delta for that.

I want to try to not make it too complicated but also make it feel very nice and smooth, any tips/hints on that?

For the delta, I thought I had to divide the waiting time or something, but for the lerp, do I need to restart the lerp every time the player moves the mouse, what would be the best way to do that?

(Ps, typed this from an iPad on school, I might have made some typos or errors.)

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